Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wrapping up our Cuernevaca experience...Guitarfest here we come!

This is our last weekend in Cuernevaca, but there have been a few last minute places to see and things to do that stand out in my blurring memory of pueblos and roads that dot the countryside in Morelos. 

High on our list of must see's was to get a clear day to view Popocateptl, the towering volcano that is visible to the Southeast of Mexico City.  On clear days we have caught awe-inspiring glimpses of the snow-clad volcano between the trees as we drive or walk around Cuernevaca....several clear days went by but we always had something to do...(yoga, zumba, Spanish class) on a free day we decided to take a drive to get our own close up view.   Gene was told that there was a road that could take us between the 2 towering peaks and with the GPS programmed, a lunch on board we headed out....

Unfortunately for us,  the clouds seemed to lay a thick layer around the mid point so we didn't get a chance to see the mountain to the peak, but we did drive to 3600 m elevation, where the air temperature dropped to 10C and we were forced to stop when the gate through the Paso de Cortes was closed due to Popo's active status...that and the fact that we were frigid and needed a whole bunch more clothing than we had brought with us.

Having Cori with us has been great...he made friends with this lovely couple who own 2 of the cutest and best behaved dogs we've ever when they invited us for a "playdate" at a dog friendly park, which we had not found on our drives, we said "Si!!"  Cori quickly got back into form chasing balls and racing around the park with his 2 new amigos...
And I got Gene to brave the mercado one more time in my search for "papel picado", the brightly colored rectangular papers cut with such perfection into lacey patterns.  My package just might make an appearance in Canada this summer for our daughter Amy's wedding shower! 
The market is a much quieter place on a Thursday afternoon than on the weekend and we enjoyed the sights and sounds of the real Mexico.

We decided to make one return trip to a lesser known Pueblo Magico nearby Tlayacapan

Feb. 24th is Mexico's National day to celebrate the flag...and perhaps that is why the town square was being set up, but because we've become familiar with the way politicians use special days to hold court and deliver endless speeches, (This is an election year in Mexico) we didnt' stay.

Instead we wandered the quiet streets, amazed at the small ornate capilla's (Chapels) throughout the town and had wandered in and out of many of the shops...a treasure trove of all things Mexican. 

Today we had our last chilled coffee at our favorite shop "La Colibri" beside the main zocalo, a place where the mariachi's each dressed in their own colors and styles wait for their next contract.  

We wandered through the Cathedral square and under the 16th century steeples overhead.  We both agree that this month in Cuernevaca has been a good experience, a much needed break and an opportunity to deepen our understanding of this diverse country.

So when I reflect on my experiences here in Cuernevaca 3 things come to mind. 

Real estate tours here leave a lot to the imagination.  The most beautiful homes aren't visible to the passerby,...but stand behind high and beautifully adorned adobe walls only suggesting the beauty inside.

You can take any dog, big or small, no matter the breed, put him in isolation behind a locked walled compound and over-time, he will become vicious and antisocial...sad, but true!  Cori has a profound respect for every gate passed on his walks through the city.

Last but not least, I have learned that in Zumba, there is no such thing as music being too fast or too loud, and that no matter how complicated the dance move looks, everyone else in the class already knows it. 

Also, it has been scientifically proven that Mexican women have at least twice as many faceted joints in their spines and hips than me!

So back we go to Zihuatanejo, just in time to meet up with friends from home and attend the fabulous  Zihuatanejo International Guitarfest....I feel a party coming on!

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