Thursday, February 16, 2012

Climbing Tepozteco - a mid-week fitness challenge

It started out kind of easy...   

But as you can see it got a bit steeper...

but there were some pretty flowers to keep me motivated...

Cori never got too far ahead...he's good at waiting for Mom and Dad

Once we got up high enough, we could see the views of the mountain spires

And then we realized that last crevasse was the entrance to the Archeological site and we were going to have to climb through it...

Cori wasn't too tired for a little action enroute..He picked up this big friend who was smart enough to know that he wasn't allowed into the monument, plus there were some scary animals waiting at the top....

If you look way can see Gene is almost there...

And the view from the top was worth it!! My favorite pueblo Tepoztlan getting ready for Carnavale!!
And Gene can say he's climbed another monument

But we had to make a hasty departure when the Tejon's came and realized that we had a dog nearby!! Those claws look like they could do some serious damage.

On the way back down, we passed two young men carrying up the water to sell....the hard way!!!

And Gracias a Dios!! Gene lived to enjoy another cerveza in his new Tepozteco shirt a reminder that without two full legs (as he likes to tell people) that he did the climb!!

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