Sunday, November 29, 2009

News from home and the value of "diversiones"

When you live a life like this, you must plan ahead. Prior to leaving our home in Victoria, we arranged for a 5 month rental, we booked rentals in our single apartment here, we even rented out our own apartment/casita here so that we can travel and study Spanish for a month in January-February 2010. Each time I made these future arrangements, a small little niggly feeling crept into my consciousness...but I tried to overcome my inner voice which said something like "who do you think you are being so optimistic- planning things several months in advance- something could go wrong and change your plans". Being conscious of this inner voice, I did my best to suppress it, reminding myself that negativity, worry and anxiety are familial traits I inherited from my recently deceased Mom, and that I didn't want to live my life that way.

Silly me...the inner voice has given me a big Shout Out this week. We have learned that our beautiful first born daughter who is 28 and at the prime of her life has thyroid cancer. She is having surgery on Dec. 30th in Vancouver and I am going to go through this journey with her. I wouldn't have it any other way and I will not be able to enjoy myself here knowing that she is going through this.

But in the meantime, we have a few weeks until her surgery is booked and we need to have some fun. The Spanish word for fun is "diversione" which I think adequately describes what I am doing...I am trying to divert myself from thinking about our daughter's upcoming surgery and the potential that she could need more treatment. I am a positive person...but not nearly as positive as Francisco our fishing capitan who took our friends, Sue and Paul and Gene and me deep sea fishing this week.

We headed out from Zihua Bay at 0630 and did not even get a bite until approximately 1 pm. During the 6+ hours that we waited for this first fish, he wisely said "I think it will be mas tarde - most probably the fish are sleeping" He enjoyed his lunch, he enjoyed his beverages never losing faith that we would indeed catch fish. And catch fish we did. Sue and Paul each successfully caught and released both a "hatchet marlin"and a sailfish. And we didn't bring bananas on the boat...cause as every good fisherman in Zihua knows...bananas on a boat are bad luck and we need all the buena suerte we can get right now!

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