Friday, November 20, 2009

All Things Beautiful..

Our friends Sue and Paul are visiting us. 'This is their first trip to Zihuatanejo and we are enjoying showing them around. Sue is struck by how Mexican this place really is. Unlike many of the other well known tourist destinations in Mexico, our little town feels like "real" Mexico. North Americans from Canada and USA are definitely in the minority here and we like it that way. It is fun to see our town through the eyes of newcomers and they are keen to try out all the local places that are unique to Zihuatanejo.

We have been enjoying the sunsets, the beautiful flowers, the warm ocean, the food and the signs of Navidena (Xmas) that are emerging everywhere. We are looking for the beauty and see it everywhere. My photos are about "all things beautiful".

But yesterday afternoon we ventured on a little known back road from the far end of Ixtapa, Playa Linda out to the highway. We wound our way through coconut groves and into the little village of San Jose de Ixtapa with it's dirt streets, starving dogs, burning garbage and shabby little tiendas and casas. Sue said rather somberly as we drove through "My goodness, there really is a lot of poverty isn't there?"

I thought about what Sue said and wonder if I have lost my ability to "see" anymore. Or is it that I now realize that it isn't the surface that counts is the feelings and the people who live here with their kind eyes, and ready smiles that makes me see the beauty wherever we go.

1 comment:

  1. so one may ask the question, how do you measure someone's life? by acquired wealth, by level of happiness, inner harmony? back to the old saying 'money does not make you happy'. poor people share more than the rich, they share the little they have. what a lesson! however i am not ready to shed my clothes, put on the loin suit and reflect on my own stupidity for the next 40 days and nights in the middle of a mexican desert. i am so shallow! huum, life is good.
