Saturday, December 22, 2012

The day the world didn't end....and I went to the Veterinarian for my back

Here it is....the day of Posada La Madera, the start of Xmas vacations, and only 3 days till the big day! 


 We've been entertained almost every night to the sounds of different choirs singing the traditional Christmas carols of home in the sounds in the crystal clear, warm night air!



We've seen the usual build up to Xmas happening here.  I've eaten special foods that are only available through the holiday season, including once again trying the beautifully presented barnacles called "percebes" at Chula Vida.   We've bought Cori his early Xmas present...his little collar with his name on it custom made while we ate.   We've marvelled at the ever increasing stocks of specialty foods that are now present in Commercial Mexicana...even the once unheard of Cranberry Sauce is here in droves. 

All over town, festive scenes are popping up.  We even attended a "Party like there's no tomorrow party" at the home of Gabi...and we all woke up to realize that your new life starts today!  Thank goodness it will remain a Mayan mystery. 

 And the Mexicans are here...the roads remind me a bit of bumper cars at the drivers who don't really know Zihuatanejo's road systems jockey for place in every far we've been lucky!

 Even here, I feel the same looming stressors based on expectations I have made about how this holiday season will go....we are trying something different this year.  The first "annual"...who knows?? Casa Ceiba potluck Xmas party on Dec. 25th.   And in a moment of glee and excitement, we have arranged for my favorite troubador, Juanito Zihua to perform for the first hour of our evening party.   So to say the least, I am excited and so happy to have Paul and his girls here for their first Xmas without Lynn, Paul's wife, Erin and Kate's Mom and our friend, who died only this past September after 20 year battle against breast cancer.    I have been imagining all the places to take them, things to show them, meals to prepare for them- planning in my head for the Xmas that might be.

And that's when my back decided to "give out"... For the past 10 days, I have been "nursing" a back ache that began insidiously and progressed to severe hip, pelvic pain.  I had Lalo, the local Huesero perform one of his mystical, magical manouevers and I hoped ever so faithfully it would work...but alas, yesterday morning I was brought to a complete halt unable to stand or walk without excruciating pain.  I knew I needed to see someone, but I have no confidence that the 2 local medical practitioners would be able to help on the advice of Paty, owner of Zihuayoga studio, and our friends Carol and Peter...we headed off to see Dr. Victor Hugo Atala, Veterinarian and Chinese Medicine,Acupuncturist who specializes in yoga related back problems.  

We drove to Ixtapa, a location that many people only associate with high rise hotels, all inclusive vacations, a long beach or golf courses.... Hidden in the back ground of Ixtapa are treelined bye-ways, culdesacs, residential areas and a run down office of Dr. Atala.   He was a most pleasant man who laughingly told us we made the mistake all "gringos" make and used his veterinary clinic entrance where no less than 15 cats lolled around, a strange entrance to the clinic where my now completely seized up back was to be fixed.  

I will spare you the details of my experience that involved needles, injections, microsurgery, laser beams and magnets and a new prescription for Voltaren....and today...I can sit, stand, walk and move with a lot more ease.  No forward flexion, no lifting or bending, but I'm getting better and I'm now on course for the Xmas of my wishes....   And one blessing of staying home to rest is that I was able to see first hand one of the obscure condo. maintenance jobs needed in the tropics....the removal of coconuts from our palms...a safety and security step that makes my toes curl watching the most athletic and agile man scurry to the top, hold on with one arm and use a machete to cut off the heavy bunches of young coconuts.

The town is indeed alive with Xmas revellers and I want to enjoy the best, avoid the worst (garbage, sewage and overcrowding).   Now is the time to stock up as soon the local Commercial Mexicana will be emptied out....let the holidays begin. 
 The Mexicans are here !!!  

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