Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saying Goodbye in the busy month of January

Today we said goodbye to our eldest daughter Kristen, who has been with us for only 8 days. 

Her boyfriend Kyle, who we have come to know and like during this, his first visit to Zihuatanejo, is staying on for another 2 weeks to hone is surfing skills at the sweet little beach oasis known as Saladita at Lourdes Surf camp and school.  It's a tempting spot to hang out and enjoy the warm waves and clear water when we hear about the snow and cold in Vancouver...winter has finally arrived on the West Coast of Canada.
We've had a busy six weeks of family visiting since December 11th and now it's all coming to a close.  Today was one of the busiest days of our winter time started with an early morning walk to the mercado with Cori to get shrimp and fish at Rosita's fish stall.  I love chatting with Pancho, her English speaking husband about all things local while his wife and sister in law clean and cut the fish and prawns to order.  Unfortunately, these days a lot of our talk is about what we know of local robberies or murders in the town and surrounding beach communities....maybe I'm getting too caught up in it...but it seems better to talk it out. 

Then we headed off to our annual Nino's Adelante breakfast at the Fontan Hotel in Ixtapa, where we have a chance to celebrate the program and host the family we've come to know and love here.  Doraliz is our sponsored student but following in her footsteps, her youngest sister Angela would be eligible for the sponsorship next year and the family and we hope to be able to fill her dreams by also assisting her to complete her studies in the secondary and preparatory system and eventually enter college.  The morning included a talk by one of the local "snowbirds" who has her finger on the pulse of the community by volunteering and coordinating a variety of programs...and we bought a book written by someone who has fallen in love with this town and it's people.  The book titled "Journey to Zihuatanejo- from Visitor to Volunteer" promises to be a good read about the projects some people who are devoted to helping locals here are doing.  I found myself thinking how much more beneficial these activities are and the money spent on helping locals still probably falls short of the bar/cigarette bills of some of the remainder of longterm wintertime residents here. 

We left the restaurant with plans to have our girls over for a swim/lunch next Saturday....we then headed back to Casa Ceiba to meet with the other owners who were invited to lunch at Vanessa's - our condo. administrator who recently had a new home built for her family.   We looked out from the tiled palapa rooftop over the jungle covered hillside streets and to the bay beyond...what a step up for this poor family to have such a wonderful home that can accomodate everyone for years to come. 
We then hurried back to drive Kristen to the airport and then return in time to walk Cori and meet up with our longtime Victoria friends Isabelle and Darcy who are here at anchor in the bay enroute to El Salvador the end destination for this season's portion of a multi-year sailing trip through the Caribbean and back up the East Coast of N. America.    We have met up  with them for pozole earlier this week, and now set a date for a mid-week sail aboard their beautiful yacht. 

Meanwhile Gene and Kyle drove back to the airport to pick up our surprise visitor, Cory, who couldn't pass up the unheard of $99 fare on a one week roiund trip flight from Vancouver/Zihua direct.   It'll be a lot easier on my aging brain to have one name to remember...Cori my dog and Cory my son/daughter's friend won't be surprised when I use their names interchangeably!

Tomorrow Kyle leaves early morning for his surfing destination with our neighbour Mickey, a seasoned surfer from California who regularly spends time at Saladita.  We'll head out with Iris and Bob later in the day to make sure all is well and that he is safely set up for his 2 week stay. 


 And finally, this is the week I am saying goodbye to a man who lit up every encounter with his warm smile and gentle, rich melodic voice.  We met Mike and Jo here in Zihuatanejo 7 years ago and immediately knew we would be friends forever.   Yesterday, Mike finally ended the battle he fought without complaint against the terrible illness Multiple Myeloma.  Jo was his advocate, caregiver, lover and friend through the journey.   I wish I was with her at her home in Prospect Oregon to give her the hugs she needs and deserves...but everytime we go boogey boarding at Madera Beach we will think of Mike and his smiles and his humor....Jo...come see us soon and we'll celebrate the life of the man you love!  Adios are in our hearts forever too!

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