Sunday, March 20, 2011

The bonds that connect us and different visions of "Paradise"

I've just returned from 5 days in Anthem Arizona with 7 friends who have known me for most of my life. Although each of us has chosen very different paths, and some have faced significant challenges, it was remarkably easy to reconnect our friendships and celebrate our 60th birth year. We all feel blessed to share in this timeless friendship and to be in this time and space in our lives entering our next decade.  Some of the group are still happily working in jobs that they love and others, like me are retired, fully or partially. 

We stayed in the vacation home of Diane and Vic, an attractively furnished, spacious home in a Del Webb planned community of design restricted homes, golf courses and recreation centers in the desert outside of Phoenix.  All of the homes were painted in the colors of the desert and the landscaping of all homes and common properties were tasteful combinations of rocks and cacti or desert trees.  The streets were wide and car free as everyone parks inside their 2 or 3 car garages.  The majority of cars were seen at one of the two recreation complexes which are built in each community.  In fact, that is where we saw the majority of people, as each home appeared vacant although in fact we were told that at least 60% of the houses were owned by fulltime residents and this particular community was not restricted to seniors only.  The nights were quiet with  the only sounds in the neighborhood the morning and evening birdsounds of the California Quails as they meandered through the neighborhood happy to have the sun and warmth back in the desert. 

Arriving back here in Zihua was like entering another world!  Not only is our little condominium apartment a tiny space with minimal amenities compared to the luxury of the desert homes we saw, but also, the town is alive with the busy combination of a long holiday weekend and Mardi Gras.  This year, the riotous party celebrated to coincide with the start of Lent was delayed a week, probably to avoid conflict with Guitarfest and to ensure that the maximum number of Mexicans could attend while they are here for their ritualistic beachside vacation celebrating Benito Juarez's birthday (the first day of Spring). 

Unknowing bus drivers from inland pueblas are attempting to weave their way through our small colonia streets, unloading groups of vacation holiday makers.  The parade was a sensory feast including free beer from the Corona float and to top it all off ..... last night's full moon was the largest it will be for years to come. 

This welcome back to our vacation home was just the cultural jolt I needed to clear my head of the desert and vacation home envy.  Together with a little adventure jaunt to a previously unknown destination (Playa Valentin - only accessible by panga) I was quickly reminded why we chose Mexico as our second home.  I saw the beauty in the desert, I understand the value of having perfectly manicured properties, spacious homes and well planned recreation complexes to ensure fitness.   But for me....this is where I feel the happiest...Mexico, it's not for everyone, but it works for me. 

And now I'm on a mission...buying a quincineara dress for Doraliz - this week we will meet with the dressmaker "costurera" who will create the perfect princess dress of Doraliz's dreams in time for October when we return for her fiesta. 

Happy Spring! 

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