Monday, April 15, 2013

Just like the Mexican farm labourers, we're packed to head north

It's the day I've been alternately dreading and anticipating...the day we pack Cori with great trepidation into his crate (well, we don't really do that until he has to be put in it), and we fly north via Los Angeles, California on Alaska Airlines landing late at night in Vancouver.   We've had to resort to this flight as no other carriers will transport our dear Cori unless he can be in the cabin, and his long legs, made for running after birds, balls and all furry things (including a not so furry Iguana who escaped by the length of his tail); keep him from fitting under the seat.   Could he become a "support animal"..hmmm...each year we think of it and wonder if it's possible...supporting our need to feel needed and loved!
We've tried to pack in as many of our favorite experiences so we can savour the full range of sensory memories as long as possible.  I don't think I would've been able to describe to anyone what living in 6 months of perfect weather, warmth, outdoor life, water and sunshine is like.  And to have avoided that dreadful Canadian winter is a gift for sure.   But the gift has reached it's expiry date,  we must head home. Taxes are waiting to be filed,  gardens awaiting our caring revisions are calling and most importantly I need to see our family and friends.  Before we become nothing but distant memories in their minds and their busy lives move on at a pace that we will never catch up with.

Stopping in Vancouver allows us to have a ritual "IHOP" breakfast with Kristen.  Eric cannot meet us this year, but we are hoping that he and his new friend "Elena" from distant Siberia will soon make a visit to Victoria.   And we've already arranged our first visit to Sideroad Natural Farm to see our daughter Amy and Patrick's growing menagerie and hopefully we can indeed become "Mexican farm labourers" for at least a little while.   By the end of May we are ever so hopeful that even Ontario will seem like spring/summer to us; with our thin blood and tender skin we cringe when we read temperatures in the single degree Celsius range are awaiting us in a few hours! 

This week has focused on goodbyes...adios to the people who we've come to love in our neighborhood.   We think they indeed will miss us as much as we miss their everpresent smiles and friendship here in a land where we are visitors who have become friends.

We are hoping that the next time we touch down in our winter home that we find it just like it is now...and that the new government will get serious about the changes that are indeed needed.  I want to see that more than just another surface cosmetic clean up happens.  We've been reading that the government wants to give Zihua a facelift to retain it's standing as a top tourist destination on the Costa Grande...but that would be like performing plastic surgery on a patient with a bowel obstruction.  We need a functioning sewage system, water pipes that deliver water to all the homes, we need schools that function rather than being on strike 2/5 days weekly.  We need lighting for safety and more homes for the numerous poor who arrive here hoping to find work and a future. 

And for the new year,...I have a new project in mind.

  Doraliz has 14 cavities and that makes me think that if this state is serious about health promotion, and they keep saying that they are, that the children here need dental programs aimed at prevention, and education before they end up like Doraliz with a painful mouth that needs fillings before any orthodontics can happen.   Shouldn't companies that make a fortune off the poor here, like CocaCola or Frito-lay have to provide dental screenings and partner with oral hygiene companies to offer toothpaste, brushes and floss to the poor?  I think they let's see where this could go with the group of savvy gringos that are here each winter.   Now is not the time,...the streets are empty, the season is over and off we go...north to become farm labourers, and if not a farm, well at least on our garden!   Greenlands Rd. Victoria here we come! 

Lilly and her little Maria Jose say adios

Gene enjoys a final pedicure with Maria at Lillianas beauty salon

Our final dinner out at Mari's restaurant, Las Adelitas.  This was her dream and she made it happen...I will miss their fond calling out to Cori and me as we make our daily rounds of the neighbourhood

And we missed saying adios to our dear friends Anibel and Monica who are away...their property is changing and we hope all will be well when we return.

And finally, the woman who has worked together with me for 6 months on Dawn and my little oilcloth project; Lety.  Lety dropped by for a visit with her Mom and sisters the other night.  She and I have become friends "sol sisters" and leaving is bittersweet...we hope we can continue and make beautiful oilcloth products next season.  I have learned a lot about the life of Mexican women.  We are indeed fortunate. 


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