Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Xmas and a "buen fin de semana"

 The days and weeks and months have a rhythm here.  I guess we have more time to notice things and we have learned to expect the changes that come with the Xmas season to be beginning not long after we arrive in October.   This year has proved to be no different.   We first notice the stacks of merchandise beginning to be mounded in our Comercial Mexicana, then the straw flowers arrive from Chilapa, and finally the poinsettias (Noche Buenas) and the pinata vendors set up their stalls along the shaded grass pathways along La Boquita.   Santa pops up in unexpected places and everywhere homes are becoming decorated with lights and trees...some are very elaborate, and others, like mine are simple reminders of the season we are in. 

Our weekends seem to be developing a bit of a rhythm too....we have been fortunate to have been the Saturday home away from home for Doraliz, and her 2 sisters who love to come to our apartment, and try the foods that they don't have in their kitchen cupboards.  This weekend we were joined by their brother Julio when we took a little trip to Playa los Gatos. It was pure pleasure to see the reactions of Lilly and Angela on their first boat ride to this beach and watch Doraliz delight in the colors of the fish she saw while snorkelling with me. 

Then we experienced our first "callejoneada"...strolling musicians in Cervantes robes that passed by our home enroute to El centro.  It was great fun joining in the parade while traffic police stopped all the cars and we proceeded down the streets, being offered little shots of Mescal as we strolled behind the musicians..what fun! 

Today I put up our annual Xmas tree (thanks Mom and Dad for letting me keep your tree warm here in Mexico) and then joined our friends for Isahrais 33rd and Ellery's 1st month birthday party at Sixtinos Restaurant along Calle Adelita......

This is not a big life here,  it's a small life in a small town, but it is so nice to know we are part of a lovely community of people here.  My early morning walks through the peaceful streets, watching the crowds gather outside Church for Sunday mass, are my time to reflect on why this is  the town we have grown to love. 

Next week Amy, Patrick and then Eric arrive....we hope they enjoy this little spot in Mexico as much as we do.  They arrive at the height of Virgen de Guadalupe celebrations.  It's also the 4th anniversary of when our little dog Cori was found abandoned, running through the streets dodging fireworks and what is a spectacle of sound and costume for most foreigners, are some of the most frightening nights of his life.   It's going to be a busy week getting ready for our family and a month of visitors. 

Oh, and I may have succumbed to purchasing the Christmas aroma toilet paper (everything in Mexico is scented) but I was not enticed by the poinsettia toilet seat covers for sale along the street last night!

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