Friday, December 18, 2009

Family es Muy Importante

In the last few weeks, our life has involved regular commutes, both picking up and dropping off travellers to our local airport. Having a car here has allowed us to offer assistance to the many people here who don't have vehicles, so we are always ready to assist folks who are arriving or leaving our little piece of paradise. I often combine the drop off with a beach walk with Cori on Playa Blanca, a pristine stretch of unspoiled sand where the fresh breezes and huge waves seem to cleanse the humid stillness of Zihua from my body and my mind.

Recently, we've been fortunate as our family, two daughters and their boyfriends and our son have all chosen to spend time here with us. We faithfully tracked their flights to ensure that the stormy weather at home had not delayed them, and we arrived early at the frigid air conditioned airport arrivals area catching glimpses through the waiting room glass of the pale and tired folks arriving. We chuckled at their long pants, sweaters and boots and watched their expressions as they step out into the heat on the outside of the building.

This last week has highlighted a phenomenon here where Mexicans make their annual pilgrimmage back home from the Estados Unidos to Mexico. These proud and successful immigrants come home to be with their families for the important holiday season. Well dressed, and equipped with the latest in electronic travel aids, they arrive with suitcases overflowing with presents and household items for the locals. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings many from small rural communities in this agricultural state of Guerrero, wait in the waiting room alongside us seeking the first glimpse of long separated family members, some arriving with new babies to proudly show off at this Christmas family time. We laugh as the idea of 'travelling light" is not a value here. The porters and taxi drivers, finally have the customers they have waited for while us frugal ex-pats arrive with our limited baggage, no gift rule and our own vehicle to drive back into town.

When we arrive in our little colonia, La Madera, we have our opportunity to proudly introduce our family to our friends and neighbours. Our Mexican neighbours greet them with such warmth and love we know they share our happiness that at last we are a true familia!!!

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